Christian Klever
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys.
Christian Klever studied physics at RWTH Aachen University and Université d’Orléans (France). His studies focused on solid state physics and power plant technology. He received his degree in physics in 2007, after which Christian Klever worked at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology where he conducted research on wear-resistant thin film coatings with a magnetic functionality. For his PhD thesis on this work, he was awarded a doctorate in 2012.
Christian Klever completed his training as a Patent Attorney in a Cologne patent law firm. In addition to the obligatory stations, Christian Klever’s training included work at a patent litigation chamber of the Düsseldorf District Court. He was admitted as a German Patent Attorney, as a European Trademark and Design Attorney and as a European Patent Attorney in 2015.
Before joining our firm, Christian Klever was an inhouse Patent Councel in a multinational industrial group.